Happeeeeeeee Mondeeeeeee to you!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Mine was good, if a little full. I wanted to get all my usual weekendy thingies done – like tidying up, doing a bit of exercise, and enjoying some down time. However, I also needed to squeeze in planning/packing/buying last minute bits for my long weekend away coming up!!!!
Yup, lucky me… I’m off to Athens with a mate and I can’t wait to have a warm break – Saharan dust clouds notwithstanding.
But, as I've mentioned the Saharan dust clouds, you'll note that I also tend to always keep one eye on the news. I like to keep up to date, you see; it’s a bit like people-watching for me. What politicians and celebrities do to stay upper most in our minds never ceases to amaze me. Particularly when there are sooooooooooooooo many other wonderful people in this world who just get on with doing amazing and kind things.
So, I wanted to share this little poem with you. I’m not one to preach, so please don’t think it’s meant that way. It’s more that as you’re looking at one of my posts, I suspect this will resonate with you… because we share similar values at times.
Let me know what you think!
And forgive my silence for the rest of the week. As I mentioned… I’ll be enjoying myself in Greece towards the end of the week and won’t have a chance to write. But I’ll be back in touch next week.
I therefore wish you a wonderful week, a fab weekend, and I send you a big hug too.
GK xxx