Hey there, my wonderful poetical pal,
I hope your week has started well! 😊
Today, I’ve felt the urge to share a poem that I find myself coming back to often—'Cos it will.... It’s my reminder not to get caught up in seeking revenge or dwelling on the past when someone does me wrong.
Whenever I feel that horrible pull towards anger or frustration, this poem helps me refocus. If this resonates with you, then solidarity! I’d love to hear how you deal with moments like these. Your stories always inspire me! 💬
Thanks for being on this journey with me. It means more than words can say.
Big hugs,
GK xx
P.S. NEED A POSITIVITY BOOST? There are more empowering pearls where this one came from! If you’re interested, check out my poetry collection - YOU Are One of a Kind. It’s now available on Amazon!
YOU Are One of a Kind
 101 pick-me-up pearls packed with empowering positivity!
 now officially available on Amazon!
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