Feel lonely at times?... Big hug to you 😗

Feel lonely at times?... Big hug to you 😗

Happy Friday, my poetical friend!

I do hope your week has been kind to you.

Today, I'm sharing a little piece that I wrote a few days ago.

You may remember, I put a call out on Facebook for topics/challenges that people face, in the hope that I could write a little poem that offers support or encouragement to them and others like them.

The response was FANTASTIC! Thank you.

One topic that was mentioned a few times, however, was loneliness. And, with the weekend looming, I did wonder if sometimes those two days feel even emptier for some folk. Families are bustling around ‘getting things done’, and people with no one to bustle with feel very disconnected. It breaks my heart to even think about it.

So, if that’s you… this poem is for YOU. 

And if that isn’t you, maybe between us, we can all spare enough thoughts to make someone’s weekend a little happier.


Loneliness… a tragedy
In what we call ‘society’
Our planet stacked with people
Of ALL types… and such variety!

So, how often has each lonely soul
Chosen isolation?
And how often could each one of us
Ease someone’s situation?

These questions are not easy
For us folk who aren’t alone
Cos, instead our lives our busy
We have stresses of our own

But there are still ways we can connect
To help a lonely soul
Feel they’re part of something
And included in the ‘whole’

So, if that’s YOU, dear reader
Let’s regularly natter
Message me from now on 
And I’ll reply in rhymey chatter


May your weekend have bright moments that make your heart sing. And please do email me if you'd like to.

Big hugs

GK xx


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