Happy Friday to you, my wonderful poetical peeps!
I so hope you’ve had a good week. Mine’s been bogged down with a coldy bug. But don’t worry, I’m giving Rudolph some lessons in preparation for December 😉.
Now, I don’t know about you but sometimes, when I’m feeling slightly off kilter, I find myself kinda just waiting for time to pass until it’s over. That’s not a great way of spending time, for me. I prefer to try to make the most of every moment… After all, you can’t get that time back!
However, after a long week, and as I recover, my mind turned to this poem and I thought that it was ideal for sharing with you on a Friday. I hope it gives you a smile.
May your weekend give you great peace, joy, and/or inspiration. And may the sun move over the yardarm for you, whenever it suits YOU.
GK xx